For this picture I used the settings F.4, the filter, and one second exposure time. I used the filter to create a contrast between the different tones in the picture on the actual spoon, the shadow and surface the spoon was placed on. I think this was successful, however if I played around with the contrast more, and experimented with higher/lower contrasts I would be able to make improvements to the pictures.
I decided to take a picture of this picture in particular as I wanted to have the ability to compare one of my still life photo's to one of Andre Kertesz's. Due to the positioning of my object and Andres objects, the shadows created are different. The shadow on my photo seems to be more stretched out whereas the shadow on the fork picture is more 'exact'. This is because I placed the spoon the right way up with the light coming in from the left at the back, allowing the bowl of the spoon to block the light. However, Andre Kertesz placed the light above the objects, which is why the shadows don't seem distorted compared to the shape of the objects, which is what would have happened if he placed the light in the same way as I did.
Well done for starting to upload your experiments. Now continue and expand by annotating with technical and aesthetic potentials and limitations.